As always, you can click on the images to see them better. Today we’re taking a look at an early work by one of the best artists currently working in comics! This post was originally published on 12 November 2013. I’m planning on doing these once a week until I have all the old ones here at the blog. But I hope you enjoy these, and if you’ve never read them before, I hope they give you something to read that you might have missed. I plan on keeping them exactly the same, which is why my references might be a bit out of date and, early on, I don’t write about art as much as I do now. I republished my early posts, which I originally wrote on my personal blog, at Comics Should Be Good about ten years ago, but since their redesign, most of the images have been lost, so I figured it was about time I published these again, here on our new blog. I began writing these a little over sixteen years ago, and I’m still doing it, because I dig writing long-form essays about comics. Hi, and welcome to Comics You Should Own, a semi-regular series about comics I think you should own.